Profile PictureGrizguts

Grizguts Map Brushes - Grasslands

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Grizguts Map Brushes - Grasslands


I made these assets to be used for world map making, like for D&D or fantasy maps for example. The brushes are a variety of small image stamps, and the repeat patterns are to fill larger areas or to use as background textures.

The example images are full 1:1 scale size of the brushes (right click and open image in new tab to see full resolution of example image), although you can make them bigger or smaller, but the quality of image will vairy in other sizes (simply reset your brush to default to return it to original size). All of the examples shown are how I have manually coloured them, to show them in a more final form, but the brushes are monotone as shown in the preview image of the full set in low res.

All brushes are in grouped in .abr files, that can be imported to both Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint.
All Repeat patterns are in both grouped .pat files for Photoshop, and for Clip Studio Paint there is a grouped .rar file that can be unzipped for the singular .png files of each pattern.
The .png files can also be useful in Photoshop for other uses too, like manually colouring the patterns to save as your own variations.

NOTE for Clip Studio Paint users - The patterns will have to be opened as their image file and saved as registered materials with the repeat pattern option ticked, to add them your materials library. Unfortunately I can't make it easier than a manual install for the patterns at the moment, as there are no export options for materials that I'm aware of, and CSP's online shop does not easily support finance for artists outside of Japan at the moment.

Full list of Grizguts Map Brushes Sets:

Civilization (123 Brushes)
Mountains (59 Brushes)
Canyon (233 Brushes, 1 Repeat Pattern)
Cliffs (69 Brushes)
Waters (72 Brushes, 1 Repeat Pattern)
Desert (165 Brushes, 1 Repeat Pattern)
Deadlands (45 Brushes, 19 Repeat Patterns)
Grasslands (122 Brushes, 18 Repeat Patterns)
Savannah (45 Brushes, 9 Repeat Patterns)
Oak Forest (36 Brushes, 18 Repeat Patterns)
Pine Forest (36 Brushes, 18 Repeat Patterns)
Tropical (54 Brushes, 21 Repeat Patterns)
Swamp and Marsh (78 Brushes, 46 Repeat Patterns)

WORLD Map Set contains ALL of the above for a discounted price of just over 25% off compared to buying them separately! (Huge total of 1137 Brushes and 152 Repeat Patterns)

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